All You Need is Confidence

All You Need is Confidence

Tomorrow I release the Write2Live podcast and from the moment that my husband gave me the idea I've been seeing all these ways that the universe is pushing me to do this. This was really fate, I'm naturally interested in authors and their process and I'm great at asking win for all. 

But as soon as I started getting the pod started and contacting authors I realized something. The world needs what I am about to do and it wasn't more evident than what happened last night. The tweets have since been deleted by the other party but basically what happened was... 


White Man: Quality in writing is factual

Me: No its subjective 

White Man: Go look to Benjamin Franklin he tells us what quality writing is 

Me: So you look to a white man's account from 1811 on what quality writing is...and want me a Black Author to follow it....<Crickets>

White Man: Your choosing not to understand what I'm saying

Me: (Stops listening)

I stopped listening because I've made a career off writing stories that many would deem unconventional. That to me tells me that writing is subjective, it depends on the readers. 

But I say all this to say that writing is personal. Whether its quality is in the eye of the reader but most of one else's thoughts matter without your thoughts. 

That's what I learned from our first guest Aubrey Sturdivant on the Write2Live podcast. 

Aubrey wrote a great book on greatness, confidence, and getting out of your own way. He has a saying about thoughts and...well I won't spoil it for you. 

Go take a listen on the write2live podcast

And don't forget to pick up his book available on Amazon. 


Aubrey Sturdivant is our first Write2Live guest and his new book Never Belittle Your Greatness is a must read. Let me know what you think and do you agree that confidence is all we need to push forward in this writing journey?

After all no one can stop you from writing and publishing but you... 


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