For five years I was writing full time. One of those years I wrote 37 books!
And at that time I wasn't the best with getting the word out about my books..,.
My bad 🤗
I'm trying to get better with that so blogging, upping my marketing game, and being better about explaining what I'm doing.
Maybe that is apart of the ADHD or something...I'll write another blog about that 😉
But anyway... There are so many books competing for your attention I wanted to make sure you didn't miss out.
Check out these reads. Have you read these yet?
1. Side Chicks Doin Too Much
Truth is stranger than fiction and over the last few weeks I have encountered my share of that. But after meeting with this last reader it may be time for me to depart from these meetings.
But just when I try to avoid the drama it seems to find me. I meet a young married man with an interesting story and as always a problem he wants me to solve. But I can't solve everyone's problems especially ones that people don't know that they have.
2. Your Husband My Trick
To Fendi every man is a trick and the best tricks of all are the married kind. But when you play with someone's man you are bound to catch hell.
When Fendi thinks that life is easy and she has finally hit her ultimate lick she is faced with a huge problem that forces her to move to Houston.
Doing what she does best she settles in to Houston hopping from one trick to another but Fendi soon finds out that not all tricks are created equal and not all wives are willing to turn a blind eye.
Find out what happens to Fendi and the men she calls her tricks in Your Husband, My Trick.
Click Here for this hot read!
3. What's Done In the Dark: Part 1
Terry goes to jail and comes out a little bit different. Not only is he different but his wife, sister, brother, and best friend have changed. The only thing they have in common are their secrets and their need to hide them. They soon find out that all things will be brought to light… one way or another.
4. Whose Love Can You Trust
Tara has lost the love of her life. To start over she moves to a new city to continue her education but tragedy strikes and forces Tara to trust someone she barely knows...her sister.
Family love mixed with money is a recipe for disaster but Tara goes all in. Putting her life in her sister's hands Tara travels down a road of deception and into the oldest profession in the world. But when she finds someone to hold her at night she must choose between love, family, and money. Which will she choose and most of all, which one can she trust?
5. AdDICKted
Romero is like a modern day Romeo but there is no Juliet. Just a Baby Momma, a side chick, and a few vixens in-between.
They all want his tool but when Romero no longer has enough to spread around
the women start battling for their position.
Balancing them all gets hard especially when Ro finds out he has a hater in hid
Addicts don't quit until they are ready and none of these women have plans of
letting the infamous Romero go. But often times life has a way of sending you to
rehab or the grave.
Find out about Romero and his group of addicts in the novella ADDICKTED
Check out even more of my books here!
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1 comment
Your books sound good, I’m gonna check them out!