5 Tips to Fix a Patchy Beard

5 Tips to Fix a Patchy Beard

I love a full beard...maybe that's why most of my main characters have beards... :) 

The sight of a patch or thinning beard can be very daunting, especially if you believe you have tried all the steps necessary to achieve thick beard growth. Here are five steps that may give you the beard you desire.

  • Brush your beard

Yes, you already have a brush for your hair, but a beard brush is uniquely designed to support your beard by giving it the care it truly needs to thrive and become full healthy beard hair. Brushing your beard hair daily with a beard brush increases the volume by lifting the hairs. Brushing your beard also increases the blood flow that ultimately encourages the growth of your beard hair.

  • Incorporate the use of essential oils and carrier oils

Moisturizing your beard daily with the correct blend of natural oils will impart the necessary nutrients beard needs to grow and become full without patches. The best beard oils include argan oil, castor oil, jojoba oil, and essential oils such as lavender and tea tree oil. There are many other oils that prove to be beneficial also, but this is a good start to lead a healthy beard journey without patches. Essential oils and carrier oils are also found in beard balms that helps to style and groom beard to look fuller.

  • Use a beard shampoo and conditioner

Sulphate shampoos are great, but they are not designed to impart the necessary nutrients needed for your beard without altering the natural oils of your face that are instrumental to beard growth. It is essential that a conditioner designed for beard is used after each shampoo session. Beard soap should be free of sulphate and parabens and can include ingredients like water, honey, coco butter, essential oils, olive oil, castor oil, and coconut oil.





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